
How to apply Montessori teaching method at home?

Regardless of whether your child attends Montessori school or not, you can consider implementing the Montessori method at home.


Preparation work for Montessori

The term we encounter time and time again in Montessori is the principle of preparing the environment. This concept comes from Maria Montessori and is the cornerstone of how we build our homes in a Montessori friendly way to enable children to achieve maximum independent learning, exploration, and action.


Montessori Room: 10 Key Points

The Montessori theory suggests that the education system should provide a prepared environment and perfect conditions for boys or girls to develop freely and autonomously.


5 Essential Children's Furniture Items In Montessori's Room.

How to help children unleash their maximum potential in various areas of life. As part of this concept, it has developed a type of children's furniture


How to choose learning tower for your children?

A learning tower is a "safe stool" that helps children reach heights they cannot reach on their own.


The desk in the children's room - the perfect learning space

The desk in a children's room is usually not only a place for learning, but also a place to unleash creativity.

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